In gmane.linux.debian.internationalization.general Martin Quinson <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:

(I hope news.gmame is working ok)

> Newsgroups: 
> gmane.linux.debian.internationalization.portuguese,gmane.linux.debian.internationalization.general
> Sorry, I have a stupid question here: are you portuguese speaker yourself ?
> I am not, but I've seen several times peoples from both pt and pt_BR team
> asking for clearly separate the two languages, because they DO differ (IIRC).
> So, I cannot say myself that such change is wrong, but I would like to hear
> from those lists before going further on that way.
> That's why I CCed their ML to have their advice.

I'm portuguese from Portugal.

I'm not asking to unify Portuguese (pt) and Brasilian (pt_BR). I'm just
asking to not have pt_PT language, as it is the same as pt.

I've asked once in irc and people from Brazil agreed that we could
settle for pt and pt_BR. There's no need for pt_PT.

> Thanks, Mt.
> On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 01:21:07AM +0100, Bruno Rodrigues wrote:
>> Is it possible to have language aggregation in [1]?
>> For example, pt_PT has only 8 files. It would be great if were possible
>> to rename them to pt.po, but Abiword, horde2, imp3, turba, mnemo and
>> squirrelmail all use only xx_XX format, so it would be difficult to ask
>> upstream to rename them.
>> [1]
>> -- 
>> Bruno Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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