On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 15:34:32 -0500 Benjamin Seidenberg wrote:

> Francesco Poli wrote:
> > "We would really love to be more permissive, but we cannot, 'cause
> > that other evil guy forbids us."
> >
> > As I keep reading answers like this, I'm less and less convinced of
> > their good faith...
> For some companies I would agree, but as has been said, intel has been
> opensourcing a lot lately,

And is getting good publicity for this: as a consequence, I think they
should act likewise on other fronts...

> For a lot of wifi cards (dunno about Intel's) it's regulatory - they
> can't sell cards that can be easily modified to exceed FCC limits, so
> they limit it in a binary firmware. If they gave away the source,
> people could easily modify the card to exceed the legal output power,
> and thus they can't give away source.

This sounds like another cheap excuse: I cannot believe that the law
really says that *Intel* is responsible if *I* modify an Intel WiFi card
so that it exceeds regulatory limits...  If there indeed is a law like
this in some jurisdiction, well, the law should be changed ASAP.

Intel should be able to sell easily-reprogrammable WiFi cards: if *I*
modify one card and exceed regulatory limits, I should be seen as the
*sole* responsible.

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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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