On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 6:43 AM, Bernhard R. Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > This is not the case.  You are not required by the AGPLv3 section 13 to
> > ensure the code is made available to anyone unless you have modified the
> > code *and* you're allowing remote users to use that modified version over
> a
> > network.  Your own private use of the software, modified or not, does not
> > activate AGPLv3 section 13.
> So you say that the "and/or" in above statement is only an "and". I
> don't see how that reduces the non-freeness.

What was proposed was that every single user of the software would be
required to host, on their own server and at their own expense, or even over
the same net access through which remote access to the software is provided,
a copy of the source code for every piece of AGPLv3 licensed software they
wanted to use.

What I am continually having to re-iterate in this thread is that this only
applies to those who are running modified copies of code which is not
already available online, that a free VCS solution is suitable, and it
you're only required to share the source code with people you've already
opted to allow remote access to your modified version.

If you believe this is non-free, then please present a definitive situation
or set of conditions in which you believe the AGPLv3 license violates DFSG.

> Please stop this "new wave" FUD. How many people had their own computer
> when the GPL was made? How many people back then only used software
> on other people systems without owning a copy of it? Where is there
> anything new here except the attempt to limit people's right to run
> their software for any purpose they see fit?

The ability to use software for any purpose is not restricted by the AGPLv3,
any use restriction would fail software freedom #0.  The only additional
requirement beyond the GPLv3 is that you allow remote users of your software
the ability to obtain a copy of the source code.  If you disagree, please
expand on your statement.

In regard to FUD, I am not here to convince any other project that they
should use this license.  We are using the AGPLv3, I have only stated some
of our reasons for making that choice.

Debian represents such a small, shrinking percentage of our target audience
that DFSG'ness is not going to influence that decision.  I honestly see no
purpose in packaging PySoy for Debian given that we'll be maintaining a
separate package for Ubuntu regardless of the outcome of this discussion.

PySoy (and many web apps, etc) represents such a small, unimportant niche to
the Debian project that our choice of license is not going to influence the
DFSG.  In evidence to this, it's been almost a year since the AGPLv3 was
released with many projects upgrading to it, yet apparently to date none
have been packaged for Debian.

The only matters at hand is correcting misunderstandings of the license and
debating whether the license qualifies as DFSG, something that has not been
resolved yet.  If your project is going to judge a FSF license as
DFSG-nonfree it should not be based on misunderstanding.  You should almost
certainly have a lawyer in this discussion and have someone more
knowledgable than myself (IANAL) on the AGPLv3 engaged in this debate.

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