On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 07:40:42PM +0200, Bernhard R. Link wrote:
> * Arc Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080823 14:31]:
> > What was proposed was that every single user of the software would be
> > required to host, on their own server and at their own expense, or even over
> > the same net access through which remote access to the software is provided,
> > a copy of the source code for every piece of AGPLv3 licensed software they
> > wanted to use.
> >
> > What I am continually having to re-iterate in this thread is that this only
> > applies to those who are running modified copies of code which is not
> > already available online, that a free VCS solution is suitable, and it
> > you're only required to share the source code with people you've already
> > opted to allow remote access to your modified version.
> So everything is fine until someone wants to modify the software.
> But if they do, you say they are no longer allowed to run it without
> fullfilling some restrictions. I fail to see how anyone can consider that 
> free.

How is that different to the GPL? The GPL requires anybody who distributes
the software to fulfill some restrictions (i.e., provide source). The
only difference I can see is that under the AGPL, "usage" always implies
"distribution", which I don't think is completely unreasonable for
webapps and similar.

Benjamin M. A'Lee || mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
web: http://subvert.org.uk/~bma/ || gpg: 0xBB6D2FA0

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