On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 9:04 PM, Jamie Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> That is your belief. I could release content (textures and level
> geometry) that I have been creating for my game right now, and it could
> be used by at least 6 other game engines, and a variety of utility
> programs.

They could be refactored to work with other games, yes, just as code can be
(and is) refactored for other works.

In general, for game content to be meaningful, it must be designed/packaged
to certain specifications which make it clearly intended to expand or extend
the existing GPL-licensed work.

Your engine is special. I've looked at it, and your engine isn't AGPLv3,
> it's AGPLv3 + additional clauses.
> Quoting from your license
> <-- start quote -->

Did you check the source code to see if any additional clauses were added to
the AGPLv3 before making this claim?  Apparently not, and neither did Francesco
Poli a little over a year ago when he made similar accusations based on text
on the same URL:


Again, a reaction to content on a wiki page without bothering to read that
no "extra clauses" were ever applied and have never appeared in the svn
trunk nor any release.  As I recall, the "License" page wasn't even linked
to from anywhere on the site at that point and represented internal
discussion only until it was posted to this list and I had to mark the page
as readonly to stop the barrage of wiki edit flames coming from readers of
this list.

To put that discussion in context, we had already resolved with a lawyer
that no extra clauses were required to achive the desired effect and would
thus be redundant, but nobody here bothered to ping us about this even to
verify that the content of a wiki page was actually edited by one of us.

Yes, I am upset this is the second time someone has made unfounded and
unresearched claims on this list regarding "extra clauses" being applied to
our software, and a good example why I'd prefer if Debian not have anything
to do with our project.

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