The wiki page now only contain the material used for packaging, with mention of 
the GPLv2 license.
The old proposals are still reachable, as the archive is still online.

The debianart stuff has been partly reuploaded (only the stuff used for 
packaging is uploaded) to make the re-license appear on the debianart website.

As I've been asked to write "Debian" on the installer picture, could be there 
any license trouble to do so ?


Le 24 juin 2012 à 18:50, Francesco Poli a écrit :

> On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 18:31:01 +0200 Adrien Aubourg wrote:
>> Le 24 juin 2012 à 14:34, Francesco Poli a écrit :
> [...]
>>> My recommendation is very much related to consistency.
>>> Since rest of the package is all GPL-compatible, it would be really
>>> great if this new theme were GPL-compatible as well.
>>> Hence, I *still* recommend you to persuade Adrien Aubourg to re-license
>>> (or dual-license) under GPLv2+ !
>>> I really hope this may be achieved.
>> No need to convince me. Of course I'll re-license my work to GPL. I realised 
>> I made a mistake by licensing the work to CC.
>> I'll change the Joy wiki page to indicate the licensed, and repost my works 
>> on debianart changing the license.
> Hello Adrien!
> Well, what can I say?
> This is *wonderful* news, really!
> It feels like when I receive one of those fake lottery winning
> notifications that pretend I won millions of Dollars or Euros: but this
> time it's for *real*!   ;-)
> I won the re-licensing lottery!  Yay!   :-)
> Thank you so much for your fast and generous reaction!
> Your decision is deeply appreciated, indeed.
> Thanks again and bye.
> -- 
> New GnuPG key, see the transition document!
> ..................................................... Francesco Poli .
> GnuPG key fpr == CA01 1147 9CD2 EFDF FB82  3925 3E1C 27E1 1F69 BFFE

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