On Sun, 24 Jun 2012 13:28:00 -0400 Paul Tagliamonte wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 07:03:01PM +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > First of all, there is still the issue with the missing acknowledgment
> > that the Joy theme is based on the Debian “Open Use” (without “Debian”
> > word) logo: Paul Tagliamonte has stated that he'll fix this part
> > tonight.
> Already fixed in svn :)

Good, thank you!

> > 
> > Then there's the clarification of the debian/copyright file, which is
> > also still to be done.
> Fixed the plymouth issue.
> > But it already seems that this will have to be done differently, since
> > the upstream author of the Joy theme (Adrien Aubourg) has just stated
> > that he'll soon re-license his theme under the GPL.
> I hate the idea of licensing images under GPL, even though we do have
> the "preferred form of the work for making modifications to it".

I strongly disagree, but I won't discuss the details here, since it
would be off-topic.
Feel free to contact me in private, if you want to talk about this.

> This is another flame-war I won't open, but I hate the idea of
> non-software under a software license. This is all moot, since
> He said he'd relicense it, so if he does, I'll reflect that. If not, I
> have no problems keeping a DFSG free license in this package.

And indeed, Adrien has *already* re-licensed his work.
So, please update the package (especially the debian/copyright file) to
reflect this license change.

> > 
> > 
> > Hence I think the debian/copyright file needs some modifications, before
> > this bug report may be closed...
> It's sitting in svn. I'm waiting for some more patches before I upload.
> AFAICT the legal issue is fine, even if the copyright is poorly phrased,
> which I admit it is.
> I'll wait for the last changes to trickle in and fix this in the
> archive.

That's fine with me, as long as you use the GPL-licensed theme by

Thanks a lot for your time!

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