❦ 15 octobre 2015 10:26 +1100, Ben Finney <ben+deb...@benfinney.id.au> :

>> > I am personally convinced that nowadays the definition of source
>> > should *no longer* be regarded as an open question: I think that the
>> > most commonly used and accepted definition of source code is the one
>> > found in the GNU GPL license.
>> It is a commonly used and accepted definition, but as evidenced by
>> this conversation and the others which have occurred on Debian
>> recently, it is too vague to be easily applied.
> That's not true. There are many cases that are clarified by that
> definition, to the point of clear resolution.

The recent discussions on debian-devel@ shows that not everybody agree
with this definition. Notably, several persons think the source code for
one project should depend on the user, not on the developer.
Write clearly - don't be too clever.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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