On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 11:00:19 +1100 Riley Baird wrote:

> We can declare that the source did exist, but it doesn't anymore.

I don't think so.

> People use open-source software for a variety of reasons. Some people
> use it for security reasons. Auditing a program where all copies of the
> C++ source no longer exist is exactly as difficult as auditing the
> program where all copies of the C++ source are kept secret by the
> maintainer.

This may be true, but a program should *not* be declared non-free, just
because it is insecure or difficult to audit.

There are examples out there of DFSG-free programs which are not as
well written as one would desire, but this does *not* mean those
programs are non-free: of course, you may decide to avoid them like the
plague, because you don't feel safe with them. That may be perfectly
legitimate and reasonable, for some cases, but I would not call those
programs non-free, just insecure and/or badly written...

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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