Dear Debian Legal,

I am working with a team that is working on a low-cost laptop that
would be GNU/Linux based. When it comes to choice of distribution that
would be preinstalled on the laptop, Debian is among them. In this
context, please let me know the following:

- Do I need someone's permission to sell the laptop with Debian
  GNU/Linux preinstalled?

- Since the laptop is Cherry Trail based, some extra drivers and
  modules are needed for sound and wifi, thereby requiring a custom
  kernel. If I bundle a custom kernel (with legally freely
  redistributable files), can I still go ahead and redistribute this
  custom version without permission? Note that this is the only
  modification to stock "stretch".


It's now the GNU Emacs of all terminal emulators.
                -- Linus Torvalds, regarding the fact that Linux started off as 
a terminal emulator

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