Hi Julien,

On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 08:37:28PM +0200, Julien Yann Dutheil wrote:
> - We use our "central" git repository biopp.univ-montp2.fr/git/ to create
> the debian ones. As I am still new to github, I would feel more comfortable
> in using our good old repos (which I know to be up to date).

Sorry, that's not team maintenance.  The only sensible place to do the
maintenance of the Debian packaging is on git.debian.org.  We have
developed a complex system of tools working with this repository and
there is no advantage to use Github.
> - We start with the latest stable version (2.2.0), for which we have
> debian/ubuntu packages on our local repository but which are not yet on
> debian (I think the latest there is 2.1.0) and the same for MafFilter.

I'd suggest to base the first commit on the latest Debian release and
inject your latest packaging on top of this.  Where exactly do you have
this packaging?
> - I will tag the commits on the master branch of each lib / software with
> version numbers. Is there a dedicated nomenclature for that or is sthg like
> rel-2-2-0 good enough?

I'd suggest simply 2.2.0.
> - While we're at it, may I ask if we could also package my software CoMap
> (detection of coevolving positions in a molecule) which also depends on the
> bpp libraries?

Sure we can.  I'm not sure whether you are interested in a Mentoring
of the Month project[1].  I'd suggest to update all the libs and than
continue with the applications you consider worth packaging.

> I'll be of course very happy to help where I can (I just need to know what
> to do!).

I'd suggest to sneak into the Debian Med team policy[2] which gives a
sensible introduction about the things to do.  The first would be to get
a login on alioth.debian.org which will grant you commit permissions to
the team repository (once we've added your id to the team).
> Many thanks for your consideration,

Thanks for your cooperation


[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed/MoM
[2] https://debian-med.alioth.debian.org/docs/policy.html


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