Hi Julien,

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 12:16:54PM +0200, Julien Yann Dutheil wrote:
> Dear Andreas,
> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 10:50 AM, Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu> wrote:
> > Hi Julien,
> >
> >
> > > Just a pragmatic question: If I would like to include these in the 2.2.0
> > > version, how can I do that with tags? I mean, we created a dedicated
> > branch
> > > for each stable version so that it's easy to include such fixes and not
> > all
> > > the further modification that might have happened on the master branch.
> > > With tags, that would be like inserting a commit back in time, just
> > before
> > > the tagged commit... is that possible? (Sorry for my still poor knowledge
> > > of git, I just know the few commands that I'm using on a daily basis :s)
> >
> > I admit I do not work with Github and if there are any specifics.  But
> > tagging something back in time should be no problem at all.  As far as
> > I know the branch also does not matter.  You go to the commit that was
> > released as version 2.2.0 (and reflects the content of the release
> > tarball) and than you add a tag to this.
> > [This mail goes in CC to the Debian Med list - others might correct me
> > if I'm wrong.]
> >
> >
> Tagging back in time is no pb, my question was more to included a commit
> back in time, so that it is inlcuded in the "tagged" version. I think I cna
> only do that in git via a new branch...

I'm not sure whether I understand your problem correctly.  As far as I
understood git the most common practice is to have a master branch and
there you are tagging your releases.  If you create additional branches
for development these will be merged into master once a release is done
and than you tag the release.

Anyway, for the moment I can check out the final release tarballs for
2.2.0 from
which is perfectly sufficient.  It would be great if you start wit
tagging released at Github from your next version on.

Kind regards



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