1. How about using the source package name "emacs-evil"?  I've been
   doing this for my packages where upstream's name is a very generic
   word (e.g. emacs-buttercup), but maybe evil is a significant enough
   package that it can just be "evil", I'm not sure.  Your judgement.

Renamed as evil-el

2. In d/copyright, I think you need to specify copyright years for the
   copyright holders.  Just their names is not enough, since on a desert
   island ~60 years from now with no newer versions of evil available
   for download, the code would become public domain :)  (well, I guess
   the old version of the code would be public domain on the mainland too)

Unfortunately, upstream maintains only list of contributors. So seems
best thing we can do is to count 60 years from last debian upload.

3. Any particular reason you are using gz and not xz compression in
   gbp.conf?  Also, it might be a good idea to check the tarball into
   git with pristine-tar so that a sponsor has exactly the same one (I
   generated my own for testing).

No. Moved to xz.

4. Please run the test suite.  Since it uses ERT, dh_elpa_test can run
   the tests for you, though you'll probably need to give it some hints.
   See dh_elpa_test(1) for how to do this: basically, raise to compat
   level 10 and then set DH_ELPA_TEST_* env vars.

Tests want tty on stdin. Added note and disabled tests. Any good
ideas, how to run them in background?

5. Please add a d/watch.

Problem. Mercurial upstream repository, and tarballs are named not
after version, but after hashes. I fail to extract anything useful
from this page: [1]

[1] https://bitbucket.org/lyro/evil/downloads

PS. Your email formatting is amazing. Thank you.

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