> On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 05:32:32PM +0300, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> > 2. In d/copyright, I think you need to specify copyright years for the
> > copyright holders.  Just their names is not enough, since on a desert
> > island ~60 years from now with no newer versions of evil available for
> > download, the code would become public domain :) (well, I guess the
> > old version of the code would be public domain on the mainland too)
> > 
> > Unfortunately, upstream maintains only list of contributors. So seems
> > best thing we can do is to count 60 years from last debian upload.
> I'm not sure whether this is likely to be acceptable to the ftp-masters
> or not.  Perhaps someone more experienced on debian-mentors can chime
> in.

Gianfranco, your opinion?

> > > 3. Any particular reason you are using gz and not xz compression in
> > >    gbp.conf?  Also, it might be a good idea to check the tarball into
> > >    git with pristine-tar so that a sponsor has exactly the same one (I
> > >    generated my own for testing).
> > No. Moved to xz.
> I still don't see a pristine-tar branch :)

Do not understand. I alread have tarball content, as I downloaded
it at 'upstream/1.2.12'. What more we need?

> > 4. Please run the test suite.  Since it uses ERT, dh_elpa_test can run
> >    the tests for you, though you'll probably need to give it some hints.
> >    See dh_elpa_test(1) for how to do this: basically, raise to compat
> >    level 10 and then set DH_ELPA_TEST_* env vars.
> > 
> > Tests want tty on stdin. Added note and disabled tests. Any good
> > ideas, how to run them in background?

> It's unlikely that the tty issue is the problem: ERT tests are supposed
> to be runnable in batch mode.  Although perhaps evil is different.

> First, though, we need to fix your dh_elpa_test usage.  You don't need
> DH_ELPA_TEST_ERT_EVAL: dh_elpa_test will automatically load that file
> because it contains ERT test definitions.  Instead, you need to use
> DH_ELPA_TEST_ERT_HELPER to call `evil-test-initialise' as upstream's
> Makefile does.

Here is script, that does same as dh_elpa_test:

        emacs -batch -Q -L . --eval "(require 'evil)" -l package \
              --eval "(add-to-list 'package-directory-list 
\"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa\")" \
              --eval "(add-to-list 'package-directory-list 
\"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src\")" \
              -f package-initialize \
              -L . \
              -l evil-tests.el \
              -l lib/ert.el \
              -L lib \
              -f evil-tests-initialize

It reports 22 failures. If I replace -batch with -nw, all tests
passes. So seems tty is really needed, but I do not understand why.

> > 5. Please add a d/watch.
> > 
> > Problem. Mercurial upstream repository, and tarballs are named not
> > after version, but after hashes. I fail to extract anything useful
> > from this page: [1]
> > 
> > [1] https://bitbucket.org/lyro/evil/downloads
> Ah.  Seems that we're out of luck: uscan can't do Mercurial tags.

Jakub Wilk found solution. Now we have another way to
get tarball.

> > > The function `evil-mode' doesn't seem to be properly autoloaded.
> > > I.e. if I install elpa-evil-mode and then I open Emacs and type M-x,
> > > evil-mode is not available.  However, if I type M-x describe-function
> > > RET evil-mode RET it works.  Something is going wrong with the
> > > autoloading.
> >
> > I think I fixed it. Please, check.
> It seems it wasn't enough.  If I move my .emacs.d out of the way and
> then run it, and M-x evil-mode, I get this:
>     Error in post-command-hook (evil-repeat-post-hook): (void-function 
> evil-repeat-post-hook)
>     Error in pre-command-hook (evil-repeat-pre-hook): (void-function 
> evil-repeat-pre-hook)

Patched it. Check again.

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