On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 11:43:08PM +0100, Nicolas Braud-Santoni wrote:
> Hi Muri,
> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 10:45:44PM +0100, Muri Nicanor wrote:
> > i've pushed the tags, thanks for pointing that out.
> You are welcome, and thanks for the swift reply.  :)

I won't have time to review with much depth tonight, but here is some quick

- Standards-Version is out-of-date, this should be bumped to 4.1.3

- I think it should be possible to ship /etc/usbguard files with the right
  permissions, rather than clobbering the permissions in a maintainer script.

  I might have a stab at that tomorrow.

- The changelog could be improved:
  - It lacks some of the changes you made, like switching to dh 11, updating
    debian/watch, adding a dep on asciidoctor, using dh_missing, ...
  - The changes don't seem sorted in a logical way; for instance “use 
    and “drop the dh-systemd dep” belong under “switch to debhelper 11”
  - You mention “bump standards version” without saying to what.
    Same for “add correct section to libusbguard0”

  Here is what the changelog could look like:

>  * New upstream version 0.7.2
>    + Fix failure with read-only /etc (Closes: #868160)
>    + Fix usbguard leaking filehandles (Closes: #887671)
>    + Update upstream's signing key
>    + Remove upstreamed patches
>    + Add build dependencies on libaudit and asciidoctor
>    + Update debian/copyright
>  * Switch to debhelper 11
>    + Remove dh-systemd
>      It is part of debhelper (>= 9.20160709)
>    + Use dh_missing
>  * Bump standards version to 4.1.2
>    + debian/copyright: Use HTTPS format URI
>  * Update debian/watch
>  * Move the packaging repository to salsa.d.o
>  * Add metadata for scan-copyrights
>  * Set libusbguard0's section to lib
>  * debian/rules: Do not parse dpkg-genchangelog
>  * Add a postinstall script to fix file permissions in /etc/usbguard

  Note that this is very much not prescriptive advice: I'm not aware of
  a specific, required style for Debian changelogs.  However, I think this
  would convey more information, in a more structured way, to someone else
  reading the changelog.



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