hm, somehow i didn't receive that mail...

On 03/15/2018 10:54 AM, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> control: owner -1 ! control: tags -1 moreinfo
> 1) please fix the qt bug in this upload
> 2) missing lots of copyrights, e.g. src/ThirdParty/Catch/* 
> src/ThirdParty/PEGTL/*
> do you need such external libraries? why aren't it packaged separately?
they are- i apparently forgot to readd the folder to files-excluded at
some point. i readded the folder now and repackaged and reimported the

> 3) std-version is 4.1.3
yes, should it not be?

> 4)  dh ${@} --parallel --with=autoreconf
> isn't this automatic with compat level 10?
both removed.

i've also fixed a bug in the usbguard.postinst script that errored out
if one of the chmoded files didn't exist.

i've uploaded new versions of the packages to mentors.d.o and pushed all
the commits to salsa.

cheers and thanks,

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