On Fri, 16 Mar 2018 16:50:18 +0100 Muri Nicanor <m...@immerda.ch> wrote:
> hm, somehow i didn't receive that mail...
> On 03/15/2018 10:54 AM, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> > control: owner -1 ! control: tags -1 moreinfo
> > 1) please fix the qt bug in this upload
> > 2) missing lots of copyrights, e.g. src/ThirdParty/Catch/* 
> > src/ThirdParty/PEGTL/*
> > do you need such external libraries? why aren't it packaged separately?
> they are- i apparently forgot to readd the folder to files-excluded at
> some point. i readded the folder now and repackaged and reimported the
> archive.
> > 3) std-version is 4.1.3
> yes, should it not be?
> > 4)  dh ${@} --parallel --with=autoreconf
> > isn't this automatic with compat level 10?
> both removed.
> i've also fixed a bug in the usbguard.postinst script that errored out
> if one of the chmoded files didn't exist.
> i've uploaded new versions of the packages to mentors.d.o and pushed all
> the commits to salsa.
> cheers and thanks,

happily sponsored!


> muri

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