On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:44:20PM -0400, Geza Kovacs wrote:
> (Please CC any replies to me)
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "coffeescript".
> It builds these binary packages:
> coffeescript - interpreter and compiler for the CoffeeScript language
> coffeescript-doc - documentation for coffeescript

Quoting Upstream Website:

> Disclaimer: CoffeeScript is just for fun. Until it reaches 1.0,
> there are no guarantees that the syntax won't change between
> versions. That said, it compiles into clean JavaScript (the good
> parts) that can use existing JavaScript libraries seamlessly, and
> passes through JSLint without warnings. The compiled output is quite
> readable — pretty-printed, with comments preserved intact.

        Do you think it's sensible to have that packaged in debian (and
it's stable releases)? Looks rather like a volatile thing where one
wants for a 1.0 before packaging to me (though that impressin is based
on a quick look on the webpage so you may know better ;))



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