
On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 10:15:15AM -0400, Geza Kovacs wrote:
> On 04/01/2010 06:03 AM, Christoph Egger wrote:
> > Quoting Upstream Website:
> > 
> >> Disclaimer: CoffeeScript is just for fun. Until it reaches 1.0,
> >> there are no guarantees that the syntax won't change between
> >> versions. That said, it compiles into clean JavaScript (the good
> >> parts) that can use existing JavaScript libraries seamlessly, and
> >> passes through JSLint without warnings. The compiled output is quite
> >> readable — pretty-printed, with comments preserved intact.
> > 
> >     Do you think it's sensible to have that packaged in debian (and
> > it's stable releases)? Looks rather like a volatile thing where one
> > wants for a 1.0 before packaging to me (though that impressin is based
> > on a quick look on the webpage so you may know better ;))
> > 
> I'd agree with your worries if this were a purely interpreted language
> like Python, where changes in the interpreter require entire program
> rewrites so that existing deployments can still run. However, this is a
> compiled language, which outputs to standard Javascript. Hence, even in
> the unlikely case that a huge change makes existing programs
> uncompilable (I say unlikely because coffeescript has done a good job of
> maintaining backwards compatibility with releases), then the existing
> compiled Javascript that has been deployed will still work. Since this
> is primarily used for short-term web development, and not huge
> multi-year projects, then the question of whether a program will still
> compile years later is less of an issue.
> Also note that Debian is already ripe with languages which haven't yet
> reached 1.0 and are still adding new syntactic features, like boo. I
> believe so long as there aren't Debian packages that depend on
> coffeescript to get compiled, the availability of this package shouldn't
> cause additional maintainability issues, and as with any cutting-edge
> development tools, it should be left up to the user whether to use them
> or not.

        OK fair enough. Actually the language looks quite interesting so
I'm giving it a look right now.

 * Could you maybe merge the changelog entries into a single one?
   There's no reason to increase the debian revision for every
   bullet-point ;)
 * You're using format '3.0 (quilt)' for your package so applying the
   patches works at extraction time and there's no need for a '--with
   quilt' in the rules file (also, for a --with quilt you'd need to
   build-depend on a correct version of the quilt package)
 * Your patches don't have any description on them. I've missed such
   information quite often when adopting some package (there's some
   DEP for a uniform format somewhere). Also have you forwarded the
   patches upstream?

        Have you tested your package with lintian? I'm certainly not
nit-picking on Information or Pedantic tags but some of the
Error/Warnings definitely look worth fixing (invoking linitan with -i
additionally gives a description of the issues at hand):

% lintian -IE --pedantic
I: coffeescript source: quilt-patch-missing-description fix-node-is-nodejs.patch
I: coffeescript source: quilt-patch-missing-description 
E: coffeescript source: missing-build-dependency quilt (>= 0.46-7~)
W: coffeescript source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.1 (current is 3.8.4)
P: coffeescript-doc: no-upstream-changelog
I: coffeescript-doc: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
W: coffeescript-doc: wrong-section-according-to-package-name coffeescript-doc 
=> doc
I: coffeescript-doc: possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration
P: coffeescript: no-upstream-changelog
W: coffeescript: manpage-has-useless-whatis-entry usr/share/man/man1/coffee.1.gz
W: coffeescript: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/cake
W: coffeescript: doc-base-unknown-section coffeescript:5 Development
E: coffeescript: doc-base-file-references-missing-file coffeescript:8 
E: coffeescript: doc-base-file-references-missing-file coffeescript:9 
W: coffeescript: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/cake #!nodejs
W: coffeescript: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/coffee #!nodejs
W: coffeescript: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/lib/coffeescript/optparse.js
W: coffeescript: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/lib/coffeescript/cake.js
W: coffeescript: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/lib/coffeescript/parser.js



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