On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 10:56:58PM -0400, Geza Kovacs wrote:
> On 04/01/2010 12:42 PM, Christoph Egger wrote:
> >  * Your patches don't have any description on them. I've missed such
> >    information quite often when adopting some package (there's some
> >    DEP for a uniform format somewhere). Also have you forwarded the
> >    patches upstream?
> I've added descriptions to the patches, as recommended by DEP-3. I'm not
> forwarding the patches upstream, as they mostly relate to
> debian-specific quirks and are not generally useful (specifically, one
> deals with Node.js being installed to /usr/bin/nodejs in Debian instead
> of upstream's default location at /usr/bin/node, and the other is simply
> to allow coffee to be installed directly in /usr/bin/coffee instead of
> /usr/lib/coffeescript/coffee, whereas upstream instead uses an
> unnecessary symlink).

        OK I suspected that. That's one of the important things that could
live in a patch description/header ;)

> > 
> >     Have you tested your package with lintian? I'm certainly not
> > nit-picking on Information or Pedantic tags but some of the
> > Error/Warnings definitely look worth fixing (invoking linitan with -i
> > additionally gives a description of the issues at hand):
> > 
> I've fixed as many of the warnings as I could; currently the output of
> lintian is:
> P: coffeescript-doc: no-upstream-changelog
> I: coffeescript-doc: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
> P: coffeescript: no-upstream-changelog
> W: coffeescript: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/cake
> W: coffeescript: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/cake #!nodejs
> W: coffeescript: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/coffee #!nodejs
> W: coffeescript: executable-not-elf-or-script
> ./usr/lib/coffeescript/optparse.js
> W: coffeescript: executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/lib/coffeescript/cake.js
> W: coffeescript: executable-not-elf-or-script
> ./usr/lib/coffeescript/parser.js
> The unusual-interpreter errors are of course unfixable since the program
> only runs on nodejs,

        Of course

> there is no upstream changelog file (though there
> is one on the website, I could copy-paste it if desired but I don't
> think that's in line with Debian policy),

        After all that's a pedantic tag, meaning it's good to think about
it to not e.g. forget shipping a changelog that is actually there, but
not a warning/error/info

> and the warnings about
> executable permissions I unfortunately didn't figure out how to fix
> since quilt doesn't seem to be able to keep track of file permissions
> (if anyone has suggestions on how to store changes to the file
> permissions in the quilt patch set do let me know).

        debian/rules is just a makefile, you can call chmod from there.

        Not sure I'll find the time for another iteration before my next
exame (April 07)



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