
On 11.07.2012 13:34, Bart Martens wrote:
> Is it OK that a sponsor adds modifications to a sponsored package ?

I see it regularly that sponsors do little modifications of packages
before uploading them. They may fix spelling errors, fix formatting, do
cosmetic fixes and so on before uploading a package.

Typically they do so to save both parties some time, as they would like
to avoid the usual ping-pong game which goes like "if you fix X, Y, Z I
will upload your package", wait for a response and a new package and
start looking again. Instead they just do such minor changes, upload and
send the sponsored people a debdiff/git patch or whatever.

Typically they do not add such changes to debian/changelog though and I
think that's all fine.

> Is it OK that a sponsor adds him/herself to "Uploaders" ?

That depends. Personally I did not have a reason to do so, but I know
some people do. While I think it is clearly the wrong thing to add
yourself to uploaders _just_ for sponsoring a package, there are cases
where it makes sense.
Imagine you are sponsoring a package because you are personally
interested to use it. Chances are you might find yourself to find some
bugs or other issues with it you would like to _fix_ yourself. Then it
makes sense that you are in Uploaders as well and you eventually form a
packaging team with your sponsoree.

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
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