On 2012-07-11 at 11:34:20 +0000, Bart Martens wrote:
> I have the following questions about sponsorship.  I would like to welcome
> answers from sponsors and from people maintaining packages via sponsorship.

As somebody who has just started maintaining via sponsorship.

> Is it OK that a sponsor adds modifications to a sponsored package ?

Minor changes that don't change my packaging workflow are fine.
Silent changes on the other hand are bad, since they don't allow me 
to learn.

> Is it OK that a sponsor adds him/herself to "Uploaders" ?

If his/her involvement is significant (in terms of suggested / applied 
changes, not just time spent testing) I guess that the package is 
already co-maintained in practice, so why not? 
This should be done in agreement with the maintainer, however.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

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