
On Wed, 2012-07-11 at 11:34 +0000, Bart Martens wrote:

> I have the following questions about sponsorship.  I would like to welcome
> answers from sponsors and from people maintaining packages via sponsorship.
> Is it OK that a sponsor adds modifications to a sponsored package ?

As a person who maintains packages via sponsors I have to say no. I do
not like the sponsor making changes (which in my experience have been
quite major) to the package before adding it to the repository,
especially when it's done without asking first. If the sponsor has an
issue with the package then they should communicate with the maintainer
and work with them to fix the issue. 

> Is it OK that a sponsor adds him/herself to "Uploaders" ?

Again I have to say no. It's not just the sponsor adding themselves to
the "Uploaders", but making themselves co-maintainers and not adding the
maintainer key to allow the maintainer to upload themselves.

> My answers are currently "no" and "no", but there may be different opinions.

I agree with your stance and would like to see some formal guidelines or
policies related to this.

Nikolai Lusan <>

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