I've used Debian on x86 a fair amount, and like it, but I use MacOS X on my
home machine. After innumerable frustrations with Fink, I came to the
conclusion that if I want Debian package management on my Mac I need actual
Debian. At nearly the same time, I became aware of Mac-on-Linux, which
should make interaction between Mac-ish stuff and Linux stuff pretty
seemless. It looks like it's time to take the plunge.

What I'd like to do is be able to install a basic system which can be
apt-get'd into shape without ever messing with burning CDs or the like.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to download an installer for MacOS (OS X,
preferably) which would let me wipe an existing partition and install that
base system. Naturally, I'd have to reboot into Linux to apt-get it into
shape, but it'd be nice if the installation itself didn't require a reboot
from CD.

Is there anything like this out there? Does anyone think it's worth
pursuing if there isn't?


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