Take a look at this guide by Branden Robinson.  It is listed as being
for an iBook, but I think it will work on any of the "New World" Macs.
I was also able to install Debian 3.0 a few weeks ago by using just a
ramdisk and kernel on my "Old World" 8500.


Should get you going for a "media-less install."


On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Gregory Seidman wrote:

> ...
> What I'd like to do is be able to install a basic system which can be
> apt-get'd into shape without ever messing with burning CDs or the like.
> Ideally, I'd like to be able to download an installer for MacOS (OS X,
> preferably) which would let me wipe an existing partition and install that
> base system. Naturally, I'd have to reboot into Linux to apt-get it into
> shape, but it'd be nice if the installation itself didn't require a reboot
> from CD.
> Is there anything like this out there? Does anyone think it's worth
> pursuing if there isn't?

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