
to start I'm back in Sarge with my PBG4 12".

Finally it was Ben's hint which made the day a red-letter day. 

For the records: So I rsynced 2.4.23-pre5-ben0, compiled it monolithic
without that CPU-frequency scaling option.
I renamed vmlinux to linux.bin. Then I went on as Matthias Schmidt
recommended for installation on PBG4 at
and 2.4.23 was up :)))

I looked on mac-fdisk's output and surprisingly for me hda2 was
Apple_bootstrap. So some crowdy error-messages tricked me to believe I
 lost hda2's type during my boot-trials from macosx and cd 8-p.

There were explicitly messages like "Bootstrap of type HFS".

Then I rsync'ed 2.4.23 from my PB, make-kpkg ..., installed it.

Just to get shure I did a ybin -v before reboot (don't know if it was

BTW hwclock was (re)set to "some day in 1970" when I booted first from
macosx, everything else seemed to be ok. 

Finally, I want to thank Benjamin Herrenschmidt, Chris Tillman, Clive
Menzies, Wolfgang Pfeiffer and Eric Bachard much for spending their
time and knowledge to solve my problem.

Greetings from Bad Sauerbrunn




Georg Koss


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