On (19/10/03 20:22), Georg Koss wrote:
> Hi,
> to start I'm back in Sarge with my PBG4 12".
> Finally it was Ben's hint which made the day a red-letter day. 
> For the records: So I rsynced 2.4.23-pre5-ben0, compiled it monolithic
> without that CPU-frequency scaling option.
> I renamed vmlinux to linux.bin. Then I went on as Matthias Schmidt
> recommended for installation on PBG4 at
> http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~schmidtm/apple/powerbook.en.php
> and 2.4.23 was up :)))
> I looked on mac-fdisk's output and surprisingly for me hda2 was
> Apple_bootstrap. So some crowdy error-messages tricked me to believe I
>  lost hda2's type during my boot-trials from macosx and cd 8-p.
> There were explicitly messages like "Bootstrap of type HFS".
> Then I rsync'ed 2.4.23 from my PB, make-kpkg ..., installed it.
> Just to get shure I did a ybin -v before reboot (don't know if it was
> necessary).
> BTW hwclock was (re)set to "some day in 1970" when I booted first from
> macosx, everything else seemed to be ok. 
> Finally, I want to thank Benjamin Herrenschmidt, Chris Tillman, Clive
> Menzies, Wolfgang Pfeiffer and Eric Bachard much for spending their
> time and knowledge to solve my problem.
You're welcome ;) Good news that your system is back together!


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