On Mon, 17 Jan 2005, david wrote:

> success!

Egads!  Now I'm feeling the pressure.  

> after getting X to run locally I fired up xawtv without any options and 
> saw pictures. Grabbed a few frames for posterity and made myself a cup 
> of tea.

Looks like you shared a pict on your website!  Awesome.  Is the Apple Cam 
only black and white?

> The details
> 8600 ppc 350ev
> 320meg ram
> Matrox Millenium 1 video card
> Apple conference camera
> kernel 2.4.19 (via apt-get) - compiled with planb and video for linux
> xawtv version 3.7.2 - I did use the old (version 1.0) xawrc from the 
> planb website

Do you mind posting the output of lsmod?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed I'm headed down the right path.  And with 
any luck I'll have at least 8 webcam servers ready to deploy around 



The punk rock will get you if the government don't get you first.
        --Old 97's
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