Hi Andreas!

On Thu, 07 Jun 2001, Andreas Leitgeb wrote:

> In german, "darf nicht" means: "is not allowed to" whereas
> in english, "may not" is more like "is allowed to not ..."
> conversely, the english "must not" is stronger than the german "muss nicht".

Are you sure you're not confusing 'need not' and 'may not'?
In my opinion 'may not' is the same as 'must not'. (as in 'darf nicht')

need not          - is allowed to not     -  muss nicht
may not, must not - is not allowed to     -  darf nicht

may               - is allowed to         -  darf
must, need to     - is not allowed to not -  muss

But I may be wrong - I probably am making a fool of myself.


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