>>"Ian" == Ian Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Ian> Manoj Srivastava writes ("Re: why Ian Jackson won't discuss the 
"disputes" document draft  with me"):
 Ian> ...
 >> I posit then that there is no indication that these are
 >> anywhere close to the views of the techmnical committee, since there
 >> has been absolutely no discussion of far less the contents, but even
 >> the intent of creating such a document on the committee mailing list.

 Ian> If you looked more closely, you'd see that the head article of this
 Ian> whole discussion was posted to debian-ctte:

        It was posted jointly on to -project; so you did not firsst
 get the ctte to sign on, you just coopted us without asking. I find
 that action, umm, repugnant. 

 Ian> Indeed, I'm puzzled as to how you, Manoj, can claim that `there has
 Ian> been absolutely no discussion of [...] the contents' on the ctte list,
 Ian> when you yourself have discussed the contents there !  See:

 Ian> Note my very first introductory paragraph:

        This is disinformation. You broached the draft directly on
 -project, and with a CC to the ctte list; I merely honoured the CC.
 The debate was already joined in on -project. 

 >> Can I too start writing up documents and claim that they ar4e
 >> joint recommendations of the Technical committee?

 Ian> You seem to have missed the word DRAFT which is plastered all over it.
 Ian> As in, we're currently at the `what do people think of this document'
 Ian> stage.  And, loud as you and Branden are, I'm still not convinced that
 Ian> people dislike it.

        So, shall the ctte then start posting draft joint
 recommendations abour palestine, then?

 Is not that the nature of men and women -- that the pleasure is in
 the learning of each other? Natira, the High Priestess of Yonada,
 "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky", stardate
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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