On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Ian Jackson wrote:

> Perhaps I can help.
> It seems that, despite marking my document DRAFT etc., I've offended
> some people by in their view giving the impression that the document
> is currently anything more than something I'm working on - with
> people's help, of course, but not necessarily their approval.

That's the problem.  You keep saying it's *you* working on it.  If it's for
Debian at large, then we *all* should work on it.  Stop being so ego centric.

Do you not think the rest of the Debian populace can think for themselves, and
can come to an agreement?  Or do you think that the ctte needs to do the
thinking for everyone else?

> So, I apologise for giving that mistaken impression.  I'd appreciate
> it if that apology could be accepted so that we can get on with
> talking about what's really important - the substantive content.

This is still not an apology.

> Would it help if I put `DRAFT PROPOSED' at the top of my next draft
> instead of just `DRAFT' ?  Would that make it clear that there is not
> (yet, anyway) any formal approval from anyone but me ?

Proprosed is more official than just draft.

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