[Absurd CC: chain deleted]

You don't appear to have any conception of what Debian is
about. Debian is a loose-knit group of people who work on it because
they want to, for whatever reason. Market share is not a valid reason,
and few developers harbour illusions of serving the general population
of the planet.

On Sun, Dec 01, 2002 at 12:27:40PM -0800, Xavian-Anderson Macpherson wrote:
> X-A+M:  I would define "Empowering Leadership" as USER's RULE!!  What are the 
> goals of Debian as they relate to the world community of computer
> users?

Undefined. Debian's goals are only defined as relating to the group of
Debian users, and to free software in general; everything else is

> Are 
> you wanting to remain just a step above the 'hobbyist notion' of
> Slackware, 

I have never cared how Debian compares to Slackware. 

> or do you truly want to reach as many users as is possible?

Not really. I'd much rather people who don't read the documentation
wouldn't use Debian, it would save a great deal of time.

> If someone else can build an easier method of installation (based on Debian 
> no 
> less), why is it not included in Debian as the standard

'Standard', within Debian, is virtually meaningless. There are never
any project-wide statements about which one of several options is the
better, nor are there likely to be.

> using just two floppies.  Why can't you develope an installation system that 
> downloads a wonderful GUI from the web (or from cd), that provides all of the 
> features of let's say YaST from SuSE.

Because nobody particularly wants to do it? There's no reason why
anybody should, unless they're interested in it.

<cut a few dozen lines of ill-informed comments on how installers work>

> Linux must be converted into a system that 
> ABSOLUTELY NEVER needs to be rebooted for ANY reason at all.

Why? What advantage is there in eliminating a few seconds delay, once
per installation?

> Whatever is decided upon for this purpose must always be kept as STABLE, and 
> only available as such, except for the maintainers.

The entire contents of the stable archive should qualify here. I see
no reason why it should be limited to a single package.

> That same sort of security net needs to be provided to everyone.  Especially 
> newbees!!  Give us one resource (like MS' w2k recovery conole, that's truly 
> intuitive), that no matter how bad things get, we can always count on 
> whatever "it" is, to recover from all or most of any errors we may
> encounter,

It's called "a paid and competent admin to run the system for
you". Nothing can help an incompetent admin. Competant admins know how
to check their own actions and correct their own mistakes, and how to
build defences against them into their own habits.

<cut a few dozen lines of inaccurate user interface analysis>
> The one thing that MUST be agreed to by EVERY 
> distribution of linux, is that ALL package names and locations MUST remain as 
> ORIGINALLY INTENDED by the package maintainers, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

So, what do you do when the upstream developers hold a trademark on
that name and refuse to let you use it? (apache)

What about when there are two packages with the same name upstream? 

What about when upstream gets the library name wrong? (happens *all the

> And if you (GNU) want to maintain the availablilty 
> of FREE software, the software MUST be FREE in terms of it's ease of 
> installation.

You seem to be confusing us with the GNU project; they're a different
group of people. You can find them here: http://www.gnu.org/


By now this is way past stupid, and is verging on spam.

> X-A+M:  I geuss this is a problem, if "the needs of the greater public" are 
> not the concerns of the Debian group!

They aren't. The needs of the greater public are to have a continual
supply of television and porn, and to be told by people who sound
authoritative that things outside their control are going well.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' :  http://www.debian.org/ | Dept. of Computing,
 `. `'                          | Imperial College,
   `-             -><-          | London, UK

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