On Monday 2002 December 02 13:14, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Dec 2002, Xavian-Anderson Macpherson wrote:
> > > Debian packages tend to be more true to the original source than those
> > > of other large distributions.
> >
> > This is why I said no one should have the right to do this.  There needs
> > to be a rigid air-traffic control system, just as there is on any major
> > airport. If you want to change course, you have to get permission first,
> > not after you have already crashed!
> Sorry, but that simply doesn't work. It might in a perfect world but we
> are _far_ from that.
> Upstream loses interest in their work but bugs need to get fixes still.
> Sometimes upstream has /interesting/ ideas about where files should be
> (like everything below /var/MTA/ or something like that). This violates
> every idea of a normal Unix system tree - we fix this if possible. There
> are several other good reasons for distributions overriding upstream.

Would this be an issue if 'upstream' could not violate the actions of those 
'cross-stream'?  If the fix itself is a violation, how is this a solution?  
Once the decision is made as to what is a 'normal Unix system', that 
normality should not be violated, unless uniformly agreed to by all.  Since 
this is something that applies to everyone, everyone should have to agree to 
it.  Everything else should remain the responsilblity of the maintainers in 
each 'stream'.  No inter-stream contamination to require intra-stream 
> _PLEASE_ get some experience before you tell us we've been wrong since
> forever. What you're doing now is only demonstrating that you've never
> ever maintained a system with even slightly special needs. (This is by
> no means intended as an offence)

None is taken!!  I really appreciate all of the time all of you take to answer 
what seems like very annoying questions to many of you.  I only have respect 
for all of you!!  Xavian-Anderson Macpherson
>                                       yours,
>                                       peter

This just for laughs.  Get your feet out of the water!!  I mean the streams!!  
Or am I being too extreme!!  So much for the extremities!!

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