On Monday 2002 December 02 13:14, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> On Mon, 02 Dec 2002, Xavian-Anderson Macpherson wrote:
> > > Debian packages tend to be more true to the original source than those
> > > of other large distributions.
> >
> > This is why I said no one should have the right to do this.  There needs
> > to be a rigid air-traffic control system, just as there is on any major
> > airport. If you want to change course, you have to get permission first,
> > not after you have already crashed!
> Sorry, but that simply doesn't work. It might in a perfect world but we
> are _far_ from that.
What if perfection is a matter of choice, only restricted by our standards of 
operation?  Xavian-Anderson Macpherson
>                                       yours,
>                                       peter

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