This is a summary of the AM Report for Week Ending 14 Sep 2003.
7 applicants became maintainers.


  Well, my name is Jon Bernard. I live in Blacksburg Virginia.
  I am a CS Graduate student at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
  and State University (VA Tech). I started using GNU/Linux as
  an undergraduate CS student.  My story is probably similar
  to many, free software seemed to make perfect sense to me. I
  decided to learn as much as I could and write as much free
  software as possible. I really want to see free software
  succeed and be widely distributed and used. To that end, I
  decided to become a debian developer so that I could help
  lift Debian to a new level of free software excellence. As a
  developer, I intend to maintain the packages that I currently
  have, package software that isn't included in debian yet,
  write new free software, and be a substantial advocate for
  free software and the debian project. This fits in directly
  with The Social Contract.

  Jon maintains e16keyedit, e16menuedit, libfam-ruby,
  libimlib2-ruby, and xfonts-knickers

Jesus Climent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I have been using Linux for almost 8 years. Started at the
  university, installing a computer with Linux to provide email
  accounts to the student guild (At that time only univ staff
  had email).

  I have been actively using and administering Linux systems
  since that time, getting more and more involved with the
  Linux community by actively sending bug reports, and testing
  different pieces of software in exotic hardware.

  I was co-founder of PoLinux, the Linux Association at my
  university, and I have bees volunteering my free time to
  administer the server and improve the web pages (which I
  rewrote during a weekend due to a frustration when I was
  trying to change an image in all the pages).

  One year ago I joined HispaLinux, the Spanish biggest Linux
  UG. since I joined, I have been administering the main
  servers, using Debian and learning about the packaging system
  and tricks.

  My distribution of choice is Debian, after being a Slackware,
  RedHat and Mandrake devotee.

  But so far I feel my effort has been focusing on providing
  feedback and helping others to get closer to Linux, while I
  believe now I want to give the effort back to a project
  based entirely on volunteers, thus being able to give back
  what I have received.

  Jesus maintains abcde, mcplay, pconsole, rssh, and
  co-maintains spamassassin

Jamin Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I've been working with Linux since mid-1999.  After a short
  time using it, I was convinced that I could make a full
  switch to it from Windows. Since early 2000, I've used Linux
  as my only OS at home and my main OS at work (Windows is
  still needed for some proprietary tools).

  I've tried many different distributions and even began work
  on one of my own (based on Crux).  As I neared completion of
  my first attempt at an install-able and usable install, a
  user of my firewall script questioned my reasoning behind
  building my own distribution.  During the course of our
  discussions, he encouraged me to give Debian another try. I
  had previous examined Debian but was turned off by the
  relative age of some of the packages (I didn't at that time
  grasp the functionality of the three tiered release).

  I use quite a number of different Open Source packages and
  wanted to give something back to the community. After
  finding Debian (the second time) and having a better
  understanding of it's goals, I'm convinced that Debian is a
  good fit.

  Jamin maintains jabber, jabber-aim, jabber-msn, jabber-muc,
  jabber-yahoo, mediamate, moviemate

Andrés Roldán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  The reason for I want to become a Debian maintainer is
  simple. Debian is the main distribution that contributes and
  applies the free software and open source thoughts showing how
  powerful could be a good maintained GNU/Linux distribution.
  Moreover, Debian had help me becoming a GNU/Linux lover and
  a fellow of the phrase: "the knowledge must belong to the

  I want to contribute to this great project, and currently, I
  love to.

  Andrés maintains lilo, mtop, netstat-nat, prelink, and valgrind

Matthias Urlichs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  OK... the first work I did with Unix was in the context of
  Apple's old A/UX Unix, which was a cobbled-together hybrid of
  Sys5 and BSD networking. I wrote a driver for an ISDN card
  for it. It became apparent really fast that debugging such a
  thing without access to open source code (meaning, it's not
  enough to be able to look at the code -- I need to make
  modifications, and recompile) the task becomes impossible.

  Anyway, after not making the system stable enough for
  production use I then switched to Linux/i386 and ported the
  code to the new environment. At the time, Linux 0.99.whatever
  had no usable internal queueing and no Internet-ready network
  code, so I took some not-quite-legal Streams code, the NetBSD
  networking core, the rest of the kernel, and hooked
  everything together. ;-)  That worked (rather well, in fact),
  but the main lesson I leaned from this is that programming
  alone is a Bad Thing, and being unable to share your code is
  even worse in a couple of major ways.

  These days, I use Debian on i386, ARM and PPC machines; I
  intend to mainly do QA-related things (i.e. "find out why
  this code doesn't work on PPC", "here's the changes to get
  that code to cross-compile smoothly") work, and help with
  prodding people and maybe NMUing stuff (like the blocked
  Perl 5.8 and Python 2.2 moves from Unstable into Testing).

  On the programming side, my major strengths are debugging,
  and protocol / systems design.

  I want to share my time because, pragmatically, if I want the
  code running on my systems to have some feature or other, and
  nobody else coded them into the programs I'd like to use,
  then obviously I'll have to do the work myself ;-)  Sharing
  this work with other people means that (a) they have more
  time to work on other nifty features, and (b) ideally my new
  feature and their new feature co-exist nicely  --
  re-integrating a change into every new upstream release is
  not my idea of productive work.

  Matthias maintains datafudge, fdflush, festival,
  festival-doc, festlex-cmu, festlex-poslex, festlex-kallpc16k,
  festvox-kallpc8k, festvox-kdlpc16k, festvox-kdlpc8k, kforth,
  python-docutils, speech-tools, videogen, festlex-oald,

Florian Weimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Oh.  At the moment, I'm studying mathematics at the
  University of Stuttgart.  I'm mainly interested in
  representation theory, but currently attending other courses
  to get my diploma.

  Besides this, I work at the computing centre of the
  university, in the security team (RUS-CERT).  I currently
  focus on the development of new services and fake network
  security.  In addition, I regularly write articles for our
  security news service

  I'm an Ada enthusiast, and hope to abolish buffer overflows
  by (slowly) rewriting critical software in Ada. ;-)

  I intend to work mostly on Ada-related packages, and on
  security policies (e.g. Debian's approach towards X.509
  browser CAs, or the measures to be taken after the inevitable
  first big Debian security compromise).  And I'm going to
  package a few Perl modules which we need at work.

  In quite a few cases, I will be able to help with concrete
  security issues, I guess.  But there's an obstacle: I won't
  participate in hiding information from users, because I
  believe this is morally wrong.  However, I respect that the
  Debian Project doesn't share my view at the moment and
  interprets the Social Contract differently, and I intend to
  make sure that this will not result in a dilemma, neither for
  the Debian project, nor the Security Team, nor for me.

  Debian is an important tool, both at work and for my home
  network.  I don't expect this will change during the next few
  years, so I better make sure that Debian remains such a
  useful tool.  And it's only fair if I give back some of the
  time Debian helps me to save on system administration.

  In addition, it bugs me that we can't recommend Debian
  officially at RUS-CERT.  Relying on Debian introduces many
  risks.  Some of them are inherent to the project, some can be
  mitigated.  By becoming more involved with Debian, I hope to
  better understand the internal procedures, and contribute
  improvements and/or document the risks, so that we can
  recommend Debian one day.

  Florian maintains ada-reference-manual, xml2rfc

Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I have packaged two applications for debian already, which
  have already been sponsored (xmlto by Christophe Barbe and
  kernel-patch-ck by David Kimdon).

  I have an ITP out for cog, and and ITA for transformiix,
  which is stalled because of its insane build process. I am
  also thinking about adopting gadfly.

  Graham maintains bsdmainutils, colordiff, pgpdump, and xmlto

Thanks to Pascal Hakim for compiling this listing.

Martin Michlmayr

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