* Thomas Viehmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> > "Trusted Debian" was an open source project too and yet the Debian
> > project felt their use of the "DEBIAN" mark wasn't appropriate.  There
> > is an effort going on to update the trademark policy (which will also
> > make it clearer that it's not just about businesses).
> Maybe it would be great to come up with something that can be used by
> everyone interested. I'm thinking along the lines granting a license to
> use "Debian derived" as part of the name for products / efforts to
> create products derived from Debian, so that "Debian derived trusted
> Gnu/Linux" or "Consortium for a Debian derived core" would be covered.
> OK, now it's time to admit that I'm not a marketing expert and the
> examples offered do suck, but maybe it's a good idea. After all, we do
> like derived distros to reference Debian...

This sounds like something reasonable to do in terms of a trademark
policy but there's a couple problems with it.  If 'Debian derived'
actually falls under trademark requirements at all (I'm not sure it
does) and, if it does, then people still need to ask Debian/SPI for an
official submark before using it.  Basically, that kind of a policy is
fine, but doesn't remove the need for Debian/SPI to protect its

I havn't mentioned this before but I get the impression, at least from
LMI, that creating submarks and handling the licenseing of such probably
requires some amount of a lawyer's time and I'm not 100% sure it'd
really be fair to ask someone to do that pro-bono.  In the end we may
have to establish a setup similar to LMI.  I don't like it, but I like
the idea of Microsoft selling 'Ultimate Debian' much, much less.


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