On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 14:18:13 +0100 MJ Ray wrote:

> Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > How about calling it New Developer if that's what it should be?
> > 
> > Why does it need to be changed? People maintain websites,
> > translations, documentation, packages - I don't see a reason to
> > change the current name.
> It seems to cause confusion with the Maintainer (with a capital
> like in NM) control field defined in -policy. If the process
> applies to people other than those newly appearing in the
> Maintainer field, rename. It seems better to name it after the
> target of the process, what they become - a Developer.

The Maintainer mentioned in a package control field is a Package

I fail to see why details about maintaining _packages_ should make
us avoid the same term for other maintainance tasks.

 - Jonas

* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm

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