It is worth to consider some key face to face and summits with OEMs [0] and
potential partners [1], along with funding developers meetings.
Canonical is already doing [0], as it is very needed. If I recall correctly some
time ago Michlmayr traveled to Asia for some oem meetings.
As an example of potential partner meetings, I am participating in [1] since day
0 (travels, meetings, audio conferences, phone calls, etc, without Debian
funding), and despite being *very* hard and slow (and sometimes "ugly" because
of the big stakes) at government, the events (sorry, no disclosure yet) are
being good.
Trying to get Debian and Debian Edu at schools will need more meetings also with
government agencies. Schools seed the future of FOSS.
Here at our DLUG, we are trying to make as many debian packaging workshops at
schools and foss events as we could. The interest is surprising, given the heavy
technical subject. Some participants stated that before the workshop, debian
packaging seemed "magic" and now they feel confortable exploring documentation
and tweaking experimental packages. Maybe future DDs come from such initiatives.
Andre Felipe Machado

[0] http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/hardware-summit-2009-sept
[1] http://times.debian.net/1272-SERPRO-chose-Debian-and-wishes-to-collaborate

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