Paul Wise <> writes:

> No-one in the thread seems to be reading Planet Debian, but here is an
> alternative proposal:


I do read Planet Debian, actually.  But that's not a proposal.  :)

I will say that term limits are not, in my mind, any sort of a magic
band-aid.  I think we could be doing a lot better on all the points that
Clint mentioned, and I don't think term limits will fix any of those
things.  For me, term limits are a specific change to do a specific thing
that I think would be an improvement: involve more project members in the
Technical Committee.

Obviously, if one's opinion of the Technical Committee is that it's a good
way to cordon off the people who waste everyone else's time and make them
all waste each other's time (an attempted summary of what I believe to be
Clint's basic opinion about the TC), one is not going to agree with the
goal of involving more people in that process.

If I were going to try to meaningfully tackle more of the issues that
Clint mentions, I would do something quite a bit more radical, but I'm not
sure there's really much project enthusiasm for doing that, so I'm not
sure there's a lot of point in talking about it.  (The shape is probably
predictable to anyone who knows me and knows how much I dislike the
concept of meritocracy.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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