>>>>> "Adrian" == Adrian Bunk <b...@debian.org> writes:

    >> and so forth, since they're the experts on what they would find
    >> the most meaningful within the Debian context.

    Adrian> Debian having a position on general political issues can be
    Adrian> dangerous.

I think that each time we should link what we're doing back to our goal
of making a great free software operating system for our users.
And link back to our priorities of our users and free software.
In this instance, the link is obvious for me.
We as a community have decided that being inclusive helps us make a
great free software operating system.

Our diversity and publicity teams have decided that supporting pride
month helps a part of our community feel more included.  By helping this
part of our community feel included we make it easier for them to
participate.  We let them know they matter.
And I at least believe that makes it easier for them to contribute and
thus we get a better operating system.

I do think that linking any political action back to our goals and not
letting our mission drift is important.
I don't think we do that enough.
It's just that in this instance I personally think the action is

    Adrian> If Debian as a project is making general political
    Adrian> statements, then having a Debconf in Israel without a strong
    Adrian> public message regarding the situation of the Palestinian
    Adrian> people would make Debian appear to fully support the Israeli
    Adrian> side.

I certainly think we should be making an extra effort to welcome
Palestinian people to our project especially given the Debconf 20
People are hurt by the Debconf 20 decision, and  I think part of
respecting them is to acknowledge pain that our decision has caused and
to be as welcoming as we can.

    Adrian> Just like many LGBTQ project members might have a problem
    Adrian> with Debconf in a country where homosexuality is illegal.

Yep, absolutely.

    Adrian> Most people from Israel are nice people and clearly welcome
    Adrian> in Debian, and so are contributors from countries where
    Adrian> homosexuality is illegal.

    Adrian> But if Debian does make political statements, then Debians
    Adrian> position on the Israeli-Palestine conflict is a valid issue
    Adrian> for discussions on project mailing lists and in GRs.

I disagree with that.  I do think that our position on how that conflict
affects the Debconf venue selection is appropriate for project lists
where debconf venue selection is on-topic.

    Adrian> The decision that Debconf 2020 will be in Israel can be
    Adrian> overridden by GR.

There would be a high cost to doing that, but yes it can.

    Adrian> The easy way would be if Debian would consider itself a
    Adrian> purely technical project and abstain from making any
    Adrian> political statements, except ones strongly related to being
    Adrian> a Linux distribution.

The easy and painful way.


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