* Stefano Zacchiroli: " Re: Pride Month Discussion has Run its Course" (Sat, 6
  Jul 2019 23:10:57 +0200):

> I'm sure that was not your intention, but to bystanders that gives the
> feeling that you're undermining the DPL's authority, and gets in the way
> of the DPL doing his constitutional job in this specific area. So,
> personally, I'm torn here: I agree with your open discussion mindset,
> but the main issue here was (as I understand it at least) of a different
> nature.

If you are sure it was not the listmasters intention, why then speculate about
supposed feelings of bystanders?

I just can nothing more than say, that I never had the slightest impression of
the listmaster "undermining the DPL's authority". Quite contrary to that
impression I would expect the listmaster to act completely independent from the

    Mathias Behrle ✧ Debian Developer
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