On July 6, 2019 9:10:57 PM UTC, Stefano Zacchiroli <z...@debian.org> wrote:
>On Sat, Jul 06, 2019 at 08:00:58PM +0200, Alexander Wirt wrote:
>> But that is my personal mindset I am coming from. If such a mindset
>> outdated nowadays and not wanted anymore I offer to resign as a
>I think there are two separate aspects here. One is the "mindset"
>discussing here, which I'm positive is shared by most in the project.
>Another is explicitly pushing back against the DPL, whose
>roles include "Lead discussions amongst Developers", when he asks
>to please stop a discussion.
>I'm sure that was not your intention, but to bystanders that gives the
>feeling that you're undermining the DPL's authority, and gets in the
>of the DPL doing his constitutional job in this specific area. So,
>personally, I'm torn here: I agree with your open discussion mindset,
>but the main issue here was (as I understand it at least) of a

I think if you reread the rest of 5.1.9, I think the listmaster response was 
correct.  Far from undermining the DPL's constitutional role, I think it was an 
appropriate response to what was at least close to overstepping that role.

Scott K

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