On Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 07:34:02PM +1000, Alexander Zangerl wrote:
> i detest unwarranted, imposed, uniformity. i *love* consistency. we have
> had consistency in the distribution for ages. we don't need uniform
> workflows.

It's not (always) about mandating workflows, see Ian's careful
distinction in the GitPackagingSurvey between sharing format and
workflow. Your previous mail said:

> as long as the resulting package aupload conforms to the specs i see no

I believe this GR is about moving the needle on what those specs say -
that a source tarball is no longer enough to represent the "preferred
form of modification" for debian developers (to reference another
thread).  **If** it's decided that a debian package must have a git
representation hosted on salsa as a service to users, then yes that may
restrict your workflow freedom.

I hope it wouldn't go as far as requiring that you literally use
git-buildpackage itself, but it might say that in non-exceptional cases,
tag2upload must replace dput. That's a long way off, but yes you would
end up having to adapt your workflow slightly to meet the new spec.

> or do you also plan to insist that your roofing contractor only uses
> <insert brand> tools and only cuts the rafters with your preferred saw?

To extend the analogy, no, but I would be happy insisting that they
place tiles, not thatch, and that rafters are cut in accordance with
local building regulation. This will incidentally turn away all
thatching contractors and anyone's workflow which relies on e.g. cutting
corners when out of sight.

Ultimately, assume a maintainer, or a whole team of uploaders gets hit
by a bus, how can we specify the definition of a "package" such that
other DDs can quickly and easily take up future maintenance.
Phil Morrell (emorrp1)

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