Quoting Steffen Möller (2019-12-27 01:53:51)
> Folks at conda do everything on github, including a peer review. For 
> most scientific packages I sense this to be just fine. Maybe we could 
> somehow stage our developments? A peer-reviewed (as in "get at least 
> three signatures" maybe?) instant upload into a "periphery" 
> distribution with a transition into a "as time permits" 
> FTPmaster-scrutinized "main" distribution?

If you want to setup a Debian-compatible pool of packages and make them 
easiest and most secure to use by Debian users, then have a look at the 
package extrepo.

I know, that is not really what you talk about above.  Above you talk 
about an _intermediary step which speeds up ftpmaster processing - but I 
cannot help second-guess which technical changes might help ftpmasters.

I suspect what helps ftpmasters is more volunteers doing the work (not 
technical changes to how their work is done).  But that is just a guess, 
based on what few messages I have noticed from them about their needs.

> Also, I find it somehow sad that FTPmasters after their ingenious 
> isolation of a problem that would then be fixed real easy don't have 
> the chance to just do the fix in salsa and have the package accepted 
> from there. The workflow now is that the package goes back to the 
> uploading developer who then fixes the typically trivial bit and the 
> package impose the same work on the FTPmasters again, often with a 
> llooonngg delay again. Instant trivial fixes would dramatically reduce 
> the rejection rate, I presume, and may also increase the fun to be an 
> FTPmaster.

Speculation only.  Sadly.

I suspect that automating the task done by ftp-masters will lower its 
quality, which I don't want.  But I am also just speculating here.

Seems to me that a prerequisite for discussing changes to ftpmaster 
tasks is deeper understanding of ftpmaster tasks.  Do we already have 
that, and I am just missing where it is?

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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