On Thu, 26 Dec 2019, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
   So, what does the FTP team consider that we, as the wider community
   of Debian Developers, can do to help?

What about being more careful when creating the debian/copyright for a package?
I know it is boring, but writing a REJECT-mail is not much fun as well.
Seeing a copy&paste error once is ok, but seeing that in a bunch of packages, makes me wonder.
Don't neglect fonts, pictures, sound files.

When there is a REJECT and the maintainer used a tool like licensecheck, file a bug and let the tools become better. (I tested some commercial tools a while ago and they were extremely bad in detecting correct licenses.)

Make the machine-readable copyright file mandatory.
It is much easier to "parse" than just a bunch of copyright information.


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