On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 04:05:20AM +0000, Mo Zhou wrote:
> However, accelerating the recruitment process of ftp team looks quite
> difficult to all participants, including the ftp-masters and the trainees:
> ftp-master:
>  * time and energy is limited. doesn't have enough resource to provide
>    too much feedbacks to the trainee
>  * wants to make sure every new member will be qualified enough to take
>    this important role.
> trainee:
>  * limited time and energy. generally not able to produce a large amount
>    of reviews to the NEW packages in a short period of time
>  * lacks feed back. they don't know how are they actually doing in
>    reviewing the NEW packages.
> So accelerating the recruitment process is not easy, given that we will
> not lower our quality standards.
An application of the principle that "adding more programmers to a late
project makes it later" (from _The Mythical Man-month_) to this
situation leaves us with possible ways forward:

1. maintain the status quo and accept that FTP master tasks will
necessarily include a very large built-in delay in completion time

2. accept a further reduction in responsiveness/slow down now and for
some, perhaps indeterminate, period of time to allow for dedicating a
certain amount of effort to train extra team members (which seems to
require a high degree of close collaboration and supervision with lots
of feedback); after some time the team's productivity should increase
and surpass its current level

Speaking as someone who has had uploads processed through NEW in a
matter of days (and been very pleasantly surprised) and also still with
a package that is approaching a year in NEW (and being a bit
disappointed with that), the second of the above scenarios seems to be
by far the more sustainable and productive approach from the long-term

So, what can we, as the wider community of Debian Developers, do to



Roberto C. Sánchez

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