Am 23.03.2022 um 07:38 schrieb Jonathan Carter <>:

> On 2022/03/22 22:01, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> In his latest post, Norbert wrote:
>> "most of my activity around Debian has come to a complete halt (Send your 
>> thanks to!)"
>> I find it not acceptable because it's written as if da-manager are the only 
>> persons responsible for it. He of course didn't mention that he appealed, 
>> and that a vast majority rejected his appeal. Once more, Norbert fails to 
>> recognize his own mistakes, and blame the others, namely the account 
>> managers.
>> I don't want to read more of such [censored], as obviously, he will continue 
>> if we let him.
> I agree that his posts aren't appropriate for planet (I didn't pay close 
> attention but noticed at least one post recently where he blames politics for 
> not being part of Debian anymore). And I think blaming DAM when they only did 
> their job on planet is quite horrible too.
>> Can we delete him from planet?
> Any DD can do that... oh wait that includes me... done!

So, are we now at a point where we ban people just because of some silly 
remarks in their posts and dislikes from single other persons?

I would have thought that Debian could and should do better. 

I’m disappointed. 

Disclaimer: I’m not on the side of Norbert nor against him, but the whole story 
is awful. 
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