On woensdag 23 maart 2022 14:05:57 CET Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> ¹ of course correlation is not causation, I am not saying the perceived
>   growth is happening *because* of the CoC etc.

Indeed. It could also be *in spite of*.
There's an equal amount of evidence for that: zero.

> > Mailing lists seem to be really quiet compared to older times, traffic
> > on IRC is also far less traffic than it used to be. Maybe
> > communication shifted to other media or maybe DDs are more silent
> > because they fear to be punished in some way or another for what they
> > say.
> I see that being thrown around a lot, yet nobody has never received any
> real sanction in the project for giving their opinion on a topic,

Self-censorship is also a thing.
I could say there's a correlation between self-censorship and lower ML traffic, 
but for that there's also an equal amount of evidence: zero

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