* Jonathan Carter <j...@debian.org> [2022-03-23 10:25]:
On 2022/03/23 09:37, Ingo Jürgensmann wrote:
So, are we now at a point where we ban people just because of some silly 
remarks in their posts and dislikes from single other persons?

No, but I don't want people to keep feeling dread and wonder what he's going to say every time he blogs, and he's not being constructive, he hasn't been for a while, and this is by no means just about his last remarks, but about patterns of behaviour that he has had no interest in changing.


If you go on accusing members of the project to be running some
sort of dictatorship, don't be surprised if they run out of patience
with you eventually and will no longer afford you with the benefit
of the doubt. You get out what you put in.

And please stop framing a limited action against a particular
individual with a known bad faith history as some
sort of "new normal" that will hit anybody without warning. It
isn't. It won't.

You may disagree with the action, as Martin does. To be honest, I'm
also on the fence with this one. There, I said it. Still, I'm not
afraid of retaliation by Jonathan or DAM. You know why? Because I'm
not painting them as some sort of detestable Evil that will be the
downfall of Debian. Once you stop assuming good faith, your own
behavior *will* change accordingly, and the sad thing is, most
people don't even realize that and just see the other side reacting
and feel vindicated that they were Right All Along. It's a
self-fulfilling prophecy.

For a different example, look at Felix. Yes, he's quirky. He makes
mistakes. I find myself disagreeing with him on quite a few
technical and philosophical issues. But he exemplifies the good
Debian citizen who does not just want to *be* right and make
everyone else admit they were wrong. He tries to *do* right by
everyone else, actively looking for solutions instead of lamenting
the unfairness of it all. For that, he has my respect. Norbert has
my pity.

Leaving the soapbox now.


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