On Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 03:39:14PM -0500, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2022 at 05:31:56PM +0100, Dominik George wrote:
> > 
> > The question is not whether hosting is illegal (I don't think it is).
> > 
> > The question is whether we promote Nazi ideology or not. And the
> > answer is clearly "No", and that is a fact, not sumething that is up
> > for discussion.
> > 
> Right, and has has been discussed before (more times than can be
> counted, most likely) having some sort of content does not imply that
> the ideology itself is promoted.  The presence of the texts of the
> Torah, the Christian Bible, the Quran, and other holy books in Debian
> does not mean that Debian as an organization supports all of the various
> ideologies entailed therein.

It may be a fact that we don't promote Nazism but the presence of Nazi texts
may itself be problematic to some people. There are other elements in
fortunes-off which are perhaps inappropriate within Debian.

It may be that fortunes-off doesn't constitute a corpus of (optional)
text that is worth retention? The fashion for fortunes has rather
disappeared in the last 25 years, after all.

> Neither does the presence of the anarchism and fortune-anarchism
> packages mean that the Debian project supports anarchy.

It could be argued that the Bible, Koran and anarchism texts are a corpus
of study texts - 51 quotes from Mein Kampf maybe not justifiable as such?

> In other words, lets at least be consistent.
> Regards,

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

> -Roberto
> -- 
> Roberto C. Sánchez

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